Virtual Rides Col d’Aspin Turbo Training DVD


The Col d’Aspin is situated in Midi-Pyrenees and belongs to the Pyrenees . Starting from Arreau, the Col d’Aspin ascent is 12 km long. Over this distance, you climb 779 meters. The average percentage is 6.5 % and the maximum slope is 10 %.


The Col d’Aspin is situated in Midi-Pyrenees and belongs to the Pyrenees . Starting from Arreau, the Col d’Aspin ascent is 12 km long. Over this distance, you climb 779 meters. The average percentage is 6.5 % and the maximum slope is 10 %.
50 mins approx run time, dvd also features workout soundtrack to add to your training enjoyment.

Workout has on-screen dashboard which displays suggested Intensity, Heart Rate, Power Zone and Cadence, plus on-screen prompts and workout music to add to your turbo training enjoyment.


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